College / Technical College Scholarships

BDHS Class of 1962 Scholarship
A perpetual 4-year college scholarship awarded by the Beaver Dam High School Class of 1962.

Beaver Dam Alumni Scholarship
An honorary scholarship awarded on behalf of the Beaver Dam High School Alumni.

Beaver Dam Scholarship Foundation Awards
College/Technical awards given on behalf of the BD Scholarship Foundation.

Dr. James Berry M.D. Memorial
A perpetual college scholarship is awarded in honor of Dr. Berry, long-time orthopedic surgeon and initiating founder of the Beaver Dam Scholarship Foundation.

Patrick Conley Memorial Scholarship
A perpetual college scholarship that is awarded by James Conley, M.D. in honor of his late grandson.

Richard & Phyllis Frederick Scholarships
Two perpetual college scholarships awarded, one in the teaching field. The late Mr. Frederick was very active in the Beaver Dam community, and Mrs. Frederick was an elementary teacher in the district for 34 years.

Susan Seippel Grow Memorial Scholarship
A perpetual college scholarship named by the Seippel Family Foundation in honor of Ms. Grow, a successful local businesswoman and graduate of Wayland Academy.

Nelson & Vera Hicks Memorial Scholarships
Two perpetual college scholarships awarded in honor of the late Nelson and Vera Hicks, who saw education as vital to success in the future.

James & Shirley Lunde Memorial Scholarships
A perpetual college scholarship given in appreciation for the support Beaver Dam has provided the Lunde family business, recognizing their civic contributions and their emphasis on community, education, and charity.

William Randall McKinstry Business Scholarship
A perpetual college scholarship for a student entering the business field awarded in honor of William Randall McKinstry, life-long Beaver Dam resident, businessman and community leader, and a graduate of Beaver Dam High School and the University of Minnesota.

Partners of Beaver Dam Community Hospital Scholarship
A partial college or full technical scholarship awarded to a student entering the medical field.

Donna Rau Scholarship
A perpetual college scholarship awarded to a student entering the fine arts on behalf of Ms. Rau, a Beaver Dam alumni.

Martin G. Richardson Scholarship
A one-time scholarship given in honor of “Marty” Richardson, a founding member of the Foundation, a former BDSF Board Member, and a former Superintendent of the Beaver Dam Unified School District.

Ruth F. Short Scholarship
A perpetual scholarship awarded to a student by Nancy Shaner in honor of her mother, Ruth F. Short, who was involved in the Beaver Dam area of many years.

Mary Sturm Sustman Scholarship
A perpetual college scholarship awarded in honor of Mary Sturm Sustman, a teacher for over 20 years at both St. Peter’s Catholic School (which is now St. Katherine Drexel) and at the Beaver Dam Junior High School. This award is funded by the Ralph and Mary Kay (Sustman) Goetting Charitable Trust.

Swan Family Scholarships
Three perpetual scholarships funded by the Mary Swan Estate. Two college scholarships will be awarded (one for education) and one technical scholarship. As a teacher for many years both in Michigan and Wayland Academy, Mary was a strong advocate of education and vowed to use her intellectual and material resources to help open doors to others searching to continue their education.

Elaine Gloudeman Teletzke Scholarship
A perpetual scholarship honoring Elain Gloudeman Teletzke, a graduate of Beaver Dam High School and the University of Wisconsin. This award will go to a student pursuing a degree in any field of science, health services, or communication arts.

Lois Ehlert Arts and Environmental Scholarship
A perpetual scholarship for students pursuing post high school education or training at an accredited institution. This award will go to a student pursuing a degree in the arts, including, but not limited to art, music, dance, drama, graphic design, architecture, photography, etc., or in environmental sciences. Lois Ehlert grew up in Beaver Dam and graduated from Beaver Dam High School.